Sell/Discard/Transfer Asset

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Within the estate settlement process, you will eventually have to settle each asset in some way: distribution, sale, transfer (to another asset), or disposal.


Sometimes you will sell an estate asset so you can pay estate debts, or simply to convert an unwanted item into more easily distributed cash. To record that you have sold an asset:

  1. Select the Assets Tab, and click the "Sold" cell for the given asset.
  2. Enter the date of the sale (note that you cannot enter a date of sale earlier than the date the asset entered the estate).
  3. Enter the amount received.
  4. Press "OK".

EstateExec will automatically create a cash transaction in the Cashflow tab that reflects the addition of the proceeds into the overall estate account. For that matter, you could just record the sales in the Cashflow tab, and it would automatically be reflected in the Assets tab.

Sale with Transaction Fees

If the sales involves significant transactions fees (for example, when selling a house), you may want to explicitly record that fact:

  1. On the Cashflow Tab, select the asset you are selling using the asset selector at the top left of the table.
  2. Click the Create Transaction button, and enter a Withdrawal Transaction of category Estate Expense. If there are multiple elements to the fees (such as Title insurance, realtor fee, etc.), most people would just record it all in one "closing costs" transaction, but in certain situations people choose to create a separate transaction for each major fee component.
  3. Record the sale on the Assets Tab as described about (or on the Cashflow Tab, use the asset selector to switch to account that received the funds, and create a sale transaction... either way, the sale will appear within EstateExec everywhere it's supposed to).

Sale of Asset with Mortgage (or any Secured Debt)

If an Asset has been used to secure a Debt (such as a mortgage), we recommend:

  1. Record the sale as described at the top of the page, entering the Amount as the net amount you received... but at this step keep in the Amount anything used to pay off the debt.
  2. On the Debts Tab, click the Paid column of the Debt associated with the Asset (e.g., the mortgage), and enter the information (being sure that the proper "paying account" is selected in the top right of the dialog). Note: You could instead record the Debt payment as you would handle other sale deductions (see Sale with Transaction Fees above), but be aware that while everything would still total correctly, someone looking at the Accounting Report might wonder why the Asset appeared to drop so much in value (so just explain it if anyone asks).

Asset Disposal

Sometimes an asset turns out to be basically worthless, no heir wants it, and you need to dispose of it. In such cases you can either simply delete the asset (it's not really an asset if it's worthless), or to follow best practices and have a record of what you did, you can:

  1. Select the Assets tab.
  2. Select the row of the desired asset by clicking its row checkmark in the far left.
  3. Using the buttons along the top of the table, select "Settle..." and choose "Discard".
  4. In the Name field, enter the name of any disposal service you used.
  5. In the Amount field, enter any fees you had to pay the disposal service.
  6. Enter the date of the disposal.
  7. Press OK.

If the asset was a loan from the estate, and you are basically writing it off, you may want to file a Form 1099-C with the IRS. Be careful about writing off loans to heirs: see Heir Debts for preferred approaches.


To record the transfer of value from one asset to another (perhaps you are consolidating accounts, or funding the estate account), simply select the desired source asset in the Asset tab and click the Settle | Transfer button at the top of the table.


See Manage Distributions for instructions on recording asset distributions.

Tip: You can directly access a desired settlement dialog by clicking the asset's corresponding cell (e.g., Distributed) on the Assets Tab.

See also Managing Assets.

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