Share Access to Estate
Show Table of ContentsYou can grant other people access to an estate, which can be very useful if you want to work together with a probate attorney or you want to share estate details with heirs.
Access Permissions
You can grant individual users different access levels:
- Edit: Changes allowed (including sharing permissions)
- View-Only: No changes allowed
- No Access: All access denied (useful if you want to temporarily disable access)
Alternatively, you can share information via PDF document (see Print Reports), or even CSV data export (see Export Data).
Grant Estate Access
To grant someone access to an estate:
- Select the "Estate | Share" menu.
- Click the Add User button in the top left of the User Access Permissions dialog that appears.
- Fill out the information in the Define Access dialog that appears, and press its Send Invitation button.
Once the other person receives the invitation email, he or she can click on the link it contains and access the estate. Once the other person accesses the estate, you will see a checkmark in the Responded column of the User Access Permissions table.
If the person cannot find the email, tell them to look for something from, and to possibly look in their spam folder. If they still cannot find it, you can resend an invitation from the Define Access dialog.
Modify Someone's Access
To modify someone's access to an estate:
- Select the "Estate | Share" menu.
- In the User Access Permissions dialog that appears, click the row corresponding to the desired person.
- Change whatever information you want in the Define Access dialog that appears, and press the Save button.
The change will be effective immediately, although the other person may need to refresh any open page from the estate for the change to be immediately apparent.
Eliminate Someone's Access
To reversibly eliminate someone's access (so you can optionally restore it later):
- Select the "Estate | Share" menu.
- In the User Access Permissions dialog that appears, click the row corresponding to the desired person.
- Change the Access Type to "No Access" in the Define Access dialog that appears, and press the Save button.
To permanently eliminate someone's access (so that you would have to send them a new invitation email if you later wanted to restore their access):
- Select the "Estate | Share" menu.
- In the User Access Permissions dialog that appears, select the row checkbox corresponding to the desired person.
- Click the Delete button at the top of the table.
Transfer Estate Ownership
If you created an EstateExec estate and wish to transfer ownership of that estate to someone else:
- Select the "Estate | Share" menu.
- In the User Access Permissions dialog that appears, click the Transfer Ownership button.
- In the Transfer Ownership dialog that appears, select the name of the person to whom you wish to transfer ownership (only names of people to whom you have already granted Edit access, and who have responded to your invitation, will appear as choices).
- Choose the level of estate access you wish to retain for yourself (of course, the new owner can change your level of access as he or she desired, once ownership is transferred).
- Enter your login password, just so we can be doubly sure this is really what you want to do, and press the Change Ownership button.
Ownership change is immediate.